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Resources for Job Seekers

4 Things Tech Professionals Can Do Today to Prepare for Life After COVID-19
COVID-19 has caused many changes in our lives at home and at work. Here are 4 things technology professionals can do right now to prepare for when this crisis is over.

Social Distancing? Here Are 6 Ways to Stay Connected With Your Team
To get through this together, we need to find ways to connect virtually. Here's some helpful advice on staying connected with your team amid social distancing.

Check Out Our Favorites for the Top 20 STEM Apps | Grades K-12
Are you looking for ways to keep your kids busy while you work from home? We researched, downloaded and tested hundreds of STEM apps for grades K-12 to list our Top 20 Kforce Picks.

Video Interview Tips
Video interviews are now commonplace in the job search process. Job seekers should be prepared for them if the opportunity arises. Here are some helpful tips.

Create a Compelling Resume
Some recruiters spend as little as six seconds scanning your resume. These tips will increase the likelihood of your resume falling into the short stack of “yes” candidates.

2020 Job Search Guide
Landing a new job in the 21st century requires skills you may not even realize you have. Conquering every step in the journey requires a modern job search strategy.