Enter reimbursable expenses into the Expenses section of the Timecard page. You can enter your timecard information each day, or all at one time at the end of the week.
The expenses
you can submit for reimbursement are determined by your assignment, and
these are the types that will be available from the expense type drop-down
menu. Contact your recruiter for clarification and resolution of missing
expense types.
To enter expenses:
1) In the Expenses section of the Timecard page, select the expense type you are submitting from the drop-down menu.
2) Type the amount spent each day for that expense. Press the Tab key to move from day to day.
expense types are entered as dollar amounts, such as meals, bills, lodging
etc. Other expenses are calculated for you by the system and you enter
the base value, such as mileage.
Entering Mileage
Mileage reimbursement is calculated
by the system. Enter simply enter the number of miles you drove each day.
Entering Per Diem
Type the per diem value per day. You must enter a value between 0 and 1.
If you enter 0, you are claiming no per diem for the day. Entering 1 indicates
you are claiming the full per diem for the day. If you need to claim half
your per diem, use the decimal value of .5.
3) If you want to submit different expense types
for reimbursement, you must enter those expense types on separate rows.
If applicable, click the Add
New Row
button, and repeat steps 1-2 of this procedure until you have entered
each expense type.
Skip to the next step.
4) Confirm the daily and weekly totals match your receipt totals for the week by viewing the Totals column.
you enter a row in error, you can click the red X at the end of the row
to delete it.
5) If applicable, use the Special Timecard Notes box to add any details required by your client.
area is not used for timecard processing and should not be populated otherwise.